Moral Story

Moral Story

Why Granny and Three Monkeys happy?

Grandmother and Three monkeys

Granny lived in the village Pura. She was alone and penniless due to which village people every month supported her buying the grocery for her. The only work she knew was the household work since she was age-old the village chief and other village people decide to help her with grocery and medicine.

To be active she always involves in gardening and telling moral stories to small kids during night times. As the day passed three monkeys came to their village as they lost their way to the forest. These monkeys that day night spoiled her garden crop. The next day Granny got angry but later thought even she also in the same position since other people are helping and supporting her still alive.

Granny and Three Monkey don't waste food

 Three monkeys had a bad habit as the day passed they used to thew the cook food on-road and used to hide them in nearby trees and watch the granny reaction. Even though granny told monkeys not to waste the food but they never understood. 

At first, the granny thought since its monkey behaves like an excuse but later it started to through breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Instantly she got furiously that if she forgives now. In the following days, she would with left out food and would sleep without food or fruits. Granny next day using sign language she called all the three monkeys.

She showed them Bananas and coconuts that she will be giving them for tomorrow’s breakfast request them to come inside early and not to go anyplace.

All the three monkeys were so happy that they will be getting bananas and coconuts. The next memorable day all of them came so early. She gently opened the door to properly clean the garden all of them were waiting eagerly for dear granny to serve them. After granny completing the routine work like cleaning the house called all the three monkey inside the house and tactfully barred them inside the room.

At first, the monkey started to scream and try to escape but failed and sat on the table waiting for sometime later after an hour all the three monkeys with sad faces started waving at the granny from the window but the granny resumed back to her work without seeing. 

Granny saw all the three monkeys even pale and thought it's not good to make the animal wait for the food like that from the window she told all the three monkey hereafter not to waste food not only in her house anywhere, later she opened the door and gave them three bunches full of banana and three coconuts to them. Since the monkey absorbs the lesson, the three monkeys took merely a maximum of five bananas and one coconut kernel and sat nearby tree eat without wasting. 

Thereafter the three monkeys never threw food. Instead helped the granny in gardening and household become so close friends. We can compare this story to real life. These three monkey behavior sometimes follow that wasting food just to show their standard and to prove they rich to society.

Moral of the Story: Do not waste the food serve the needed people always.

