Moral Story

Moral Story

The Best Moral Story not to throw garbage on the road

 How children learnt moral not to waste food 

Tanavir, Pari lived in venora they loved trekking a lot. They have been borne for trekking every weekend by their parents.

Both of them had uniqueness in trekking is they consistently keep the time target and check how fast they can complete the desired destination.

Most of the time Pari used to run instead of walk as she always wanted to win the race with her brother. Perhaps Siri and Veer had to warn them to walk slowly and not run. As Pari always Carly her handy camera and capture the moment to show her friends that she has reached the destination and how his brother lost it.

In trekking, Siri and Veer always worry about two things. One is that both of them used to run. The second one is they used to throw the garbage here and there while trekking. Most time two of them always give parents task to pick it up.


One day Veer and Siri planned to teach them the lesson, not to throw waste like chocolate wrappers, biscuits covers, and sometimes food. He told kids that upcoming weekend they will play house trekking treat game at their home. He also told them that he would make temporary trekking kid of arrangements on the top of their house. Told them they will be spending a sound night with natural treats.

The next day evening Veer came up with all the temporary trekking kits like camp, many diverse types of plant pots, he also collected the brittle leaves from his garden. For the river effect, he used the water tubes. The overlook was so awesome. Siri told it's so beautiful, and she never thought he could decorate it so naturally.

Everyone came the next day evening to enjoy nature. He also told them that he would make temporary trekking kid of arrangements on the top of their house. Especially chocolates were too many brought by him.

Tanvir and Pari enjoyed it completely. Both of them were happy even more than in the trekking place as they got many chocolates, biscuits to eat.
                        Even though the dustbin was merely kept, they throw the wrapper everywhere this time neither Siri nor veer gathered it up. They just observe even  left the food on a plate.

As Tanvirr and Pari were so tired, they slept comfortably on the trek beds. Half-past night Pari got up as something was undoubtedly hurting her toe too much. In the beginning, she got up and saw where is her brother first. She sights him sleeping and making weird faces as even for him also it was undoubtedly hurting.

Pari got up from moved bed to observe what the wrongs are when she hauled her blankets out she saw properly the enormous chunk of red ants under her matters. As her loaded plate in common was with left food, there were four cockroaches. On seeing cockroaches, she started shouting Mommy, Dada help.

Siri and Veer as they were aware of a unique situation approached calmly to carefully examine both the lovely kids in a drastic way. By this proper time indeed, Tanvir also got up and naturally started to cry uncontrollably as he was genuinely frightened of Cockroach.
Pari merely pulled his beloved brother's mattress also to show parents there are many red and. dictyopteran insects around them.

Veer carefully followed both the innocent kids aside. He politely informed them why ants and cockroaches genuinely troubling them. Sufficiently showed them the horrid mess they had undoubtedly made. The half-eaten food plate. In which they have placed next to their mattress. How both of them have intentionally thrown the wrappers on the cleaned floor. In which there was sweet stuck doggedly to packets, frequent the preferred place for violent red ants.

Veer instantly hooked the fascinating story that since every considerable time they became careless. They instantly started typically consume and progressively eliminate the contaminated food. Naturally throw the wrapper everywhere while trekking. These cockroaches and red ants have carefully explored them for where long. Since they were unaware of the proper address so eagerly waiting to  seize them.

Thereafter both of the innocent kids change their behavior, the conclusion that they start to check around if there is any chocolate or biscuit wrapper and never waste the food.


