Moral Story

Moral Story

It is not how big a house is? Always how happy you are.


Charli started to cry aloud even though her father tried to convince her to get new toys and chocolate.                                                                                                                          

She didn't stop crying telling her father that her friend's father bought them a new house with many robotics toys even though she wants a similar sort of one.

Mansi took her on a shoulder and took her to the garden. She bore to reveal her example of how happy the house should be, not how big it should be.

To show her the example she got a few saplings and asked her to put them in a pot that she has got even though she was not interested but lately as she saw her brother planting them she was also involved.


Mansi told the plant was so happy that they supported them produce them shade. Charli questions back to her saying how She knows that they are happy She told them they can see the results within 15 days. Every day she used to water them twice a day as it was summer exactly after 15 days the plant showed a sign of growing.

Charli was so happy that she started to dance in happiness saying that plants love me so much hence it started to grow at a fast pace.

After a few days, She urged them to shift to an experimental big plant. While shifting as the roots were unhand-led with care. Even though Mansi was aware that the roots have not cared for the right way, She asked them to plant them in a big pot.     

  Now Charli was as happy that as she has shifted to a new big pot, it will grow even faster but after three days it started to dry and within 15 days the plant was completely dried.

Charli remains completely upset and inquired why the plant was dried even after caring so much. 

Mansi explained we always care about things around us very much, and it's good to improve from the current state. For one to get updated, it's very important, but it's not necessary for one to have things just because someone has them.

 Every so often we come across situations that we need to accept those changes. Even if it's essential for us, one should not abandon the root, if in case one forgets the roots of learning ,and suffers damage to that learning one cannot grow in society your growth will be stagnant.

 One should not abandon the root and if one forgets the roots of learning, and suffers damage to that learning, one cannot grow in society and even the growth  will be stagnant. In a few exceptional cases even if you grow on top, there won't be any sort of one who can find happiness in oneself.

Charli acknowledged her mistake that she concluded regarding her friend even though new robotic toys and vast houses weren't required she forced her dad to buy. She finally acknowledged and thereafter even she stopped investing time by poking her nose for other growth.

 Mansi concluded the story saying my dear kids in future also you might come across same confusion about money remember money is not everything but you need money for everything just know the difference to lead a happy life. Just like now you can bring the sampling from the shop but happens comes only  if there care and love equally.

Moral of the Story: Money can only bring the non living things but not happiness, wealth and time.

