Moral Story

Moral Story

Your Attention :Moral Story: The Caterpillar

Excuses are Signs of Laziness.

Yana lived in the city of Kari and she at all times care for people and try her best to make them happy.

One day when she was returning from school saw a youthful middle age boy fainted on the roadside. He was so exhausted and looks so dull with his shabby torn clothes.Yana requested her father to halt the car so that she can serve him some food.

At the tail end, this becomes her habit that she consistently asks her father to halt the car and give him food. Vein never deny to her wish and required her to be trained beginning her own mistake. Seeing each day, he took granted and requests her to give money as a substitute for food. Yanna mumbled with him.

A night during supper time she told her father that beggar requested her money instead of food. Vein engaged and requests her to finish the supper fast so that they can go for a walk. Yana was surprised because her father never allowed her to go out at night.

Yana and Vein came to the park. While she and her father completed three rounds, she overheard someone shouting aloud, with curiosity just turned back and that was the same beggar. He was fighting with a passerby to contribute money for him pay his bill. Yana in terrible shock didn’t react but came home angrily.

Vein knowing damned that Yana is dreadfully upset.He sat next to her to tell moral.

Vein: I know you are agitated, permit me ,to narrate a moral story to refresh your mood!!

Yanna’s eyes were squeezed with tears.

Vein introduced the story: My dear lovely dear daughter Can you explain how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly?


Yanna: (No reply) merely observe his face.

Vein: The adult butterfly lays the eggs on leaf. The young caterpillar first come out of the egg shell.It first eats the hatching egg derives some critical energy and later by  survive eating raw leaf. During this long process, it shed his outer skin many excessive times. Finally, once the caterpillar completely fulls his stomach it stops eating. Caterpillar now covers itself in exposed layers and sleep. For 15 odd days, that shell is kept undisturbed and during the third week, it starts to come out of the shell with beautiful wings as Colorful butterfly.

Vein saw Yana is listening to the story so just stopped the story and tried her question.

Vein: You are witnessing a caterpillar has become a butterfly. It is trying hard to come out of the shell. What would you do?

Yanna: Certainly dad! I will lend a hand...

Vein: No dear child.You shouldn’t perform that.

Inadvertently helping represent a proper sign, but one should belatedly recognize the unfortunate circumstances.

If you personally help that butterfly, to come out of the shell then you would be ruin life. It is completely useless wings never have developed the nominal strength to have flown erratically.

Yanna: Formerly made her gloomy expression

Vein: Okay! Merely allowing me to describe you another extraordinary circumstance. You saw as a consequence the caterpillar layer in the shell and aware that after three unusual weeks it will be a colorful butterfly. A condition not to lay a hand on that. What do you perform well for the expanding shell?

Yanna: I would rather mind is devoid of personal harm.

Vein: Exactly my helpless child you are on right track now. 

 By your valuable help one should become independent not greedy. Greedy is a pure indication of misuse of your active support...

(Yanna humbly acknowledged her innocent mistake.)

Yanna: Dear dad, I got to undoubtedly recognize my mistake. Offering food during his troublesome time is significant. But He eagerly took advantage and became sluggish.

Moral of the story: Excuses represent the sign of laziness never supports such people.



