Moral Story

Moral Story

Care and Love without harsh condition

Walk before you run under a blue sky

The class was so quiet and all  students  upset due to one of their classmates ended her precious life as she instantly lost her dear parents in a rare accident.                 

             The class became so dull and started to score very less marks. Even though it didn't trouble anyone with taking up class, they did not respond as they were upset and she was best friend for everyone in class.

Though there class teacher was also upset as her favorite student is no more. Finally one day she sat unaccompanied for three hours and came up opinion. She thought it was the right moment to talk concerning with students, on the subject of the moral story.

Finally, Shine broke her silence during upcoming class. Her next class was during the first-morning session. As she wanted them to be guides and this would help them to make decisions in future. She told students that today class would be about the story day.

        Few students made face as they wanted to continue the class as she announced the class test. She started the Story with title writing on board. She asked the student what is the Goal and in which Stream they want to see their future.

    Jai: Being Software Engineer one can earn, and settle my life.

    Pari: Scientist, One can give great contribution to country and also to the world.

    Siri: Civil Engineering, My parents dream.

    Joy: Architecture, I have dream to design a house for my favorite celebrity

   Raj: Lecture because I'm very much overwhelmed by you and Mathematics Madam.

Seema: Fashion Designer, It's a dream from childhood. As this by heart was my fond dream from my innocent childhood.                      

                            Many of the other students typically told their wish stream dream goal. Shine was very much happy to know they are showing interest in interaction.

       Moral Story Walk before you run under a blue sky

Once upon time Savarni lived in the jagarpuri and she was the only daughter of Jeethu.He pampered her so much that he never allowed her to walk.
He always carries her on shoulders.

Even though he cares her so much, never wanted to send school thinking if she failed to answer the teacher, may scolded or punished her. Everything was fine until Savarni had a diversion. 

One day he took her to the native for a family ritual. During the second half of the day as Jeethu brother forced him to come along market. He went with half minded.
Before leaving, He gave hug to his daughter and also instruction that she should go out of house. Also put a condition to play with only gadgets and to not drink or eat junk food.

Sarvarni agreed to his father's condition. She played for 1 hour with gadgets and was bored. Mean while she heard so many children shouting.
To see what's going on outside peeped outside saw huge gang of friends playing running race and other friends were encouraging them.

On seeing them she shouted listen at first none of them pay attention as they were so much occupied in playing later one of them said girl in a window     waving and trying to tell something. Few of them came near window to ask.


                        Sarvani: What you guys are doing?

Karnu: We are playing running race do you want to join. 

Sarvani: No, no I don’t know the game rules how would I join.

Karnu and other friends: Even we won't follow any such rules but you can     join with us and enjoy the game.

Sarvani: But I’m locked in this room how to come out?

Four of the kids helped her to come out of the house. She was unaware how to walk
even for a small distance.  She couldn't walk and fell on the ground, and  told everyone that she doesn’t know to walk.

Karnu, Rinki and other friends told her that they would help her to learn within three days. Everyone helped her to drop her back to her room and went back to ground.

Jeethu came late evening she was eagerly waiting for her father to come home. Once he came, she started to cry telling that she wants to stay back and not happy to go back to the city.

                As Jeethu was helpless and agreed to stay in native, she asked her father to leave her in the same room. Once she got that father left for work . She used to call her friends and go for practice walking. Though it was so difficult for her to walk, she tried her best without taking any pressure instead enjoyed the process of learning.
                    She learnt to walk with great interest and after three months she managed to run 50 meters. Jeethu was unaware of things as he was slightly busy with his work.

One day he thought to surprise his daughter came from work early. He entered the house and quickly ran towards the Sarvani room to surprise her, but he was shocked as his daughter was not there in the room. 

The window glass slab was removed and kept on the floor. He got so angry and just stood on the stool to check what’s happening outside as he heard children’s  shouting outside. To check, if she by any chance went out to see kids play.

He was very angry to see running
his daughter. That she was running without any footwear and also got surprised by how she learnt to run? In fuming face came to the place where she was about to finish her race.

She completed her local race the enthusiastic crowd was encouraging her as she typically covered the 3 Kilometer with less than 26 consistent minutes. Everyone cheering enthusiastically Sarvani by announcing her familiar name but his beloved father gently slapped her and He moved to home and carefully locked the secure door.

As the physical trainer of the school was very far from that place couldn't come quickly and talk to him.

After 25 minutes the trainer knocked the door. He didn't respond immediately.  Opened the door was still in a angry with her daughter showed up that frustration on the guest saying who are you?

Physical trainer:  Hello
Sir, My name is Suki and physical trainer and I work in school behind your house.

Jeethu: Oh, you are the one who brainwash my daughter's mind and made her walk and participate in your school race.

Physical Trainer: Sir I think you mistaken me. Let me explain how your daughter learnt running and it's not me who trained her initial.

Jeethu: No explanation is required and whatever is happened we cannot change hereafter. I will take care of my daughter. You may leave now please.

Physical Trainer: Sir, No listen actually to you daughter has been trained by her friend and just…

Jeethu: You know I have not allowed her to walk right from the child because I love and care my child that much but you made her to run like donkey in ground.

Physical Trainer: Sir, I understand that you love your daughter so much but that's making her feel as though you have prisoner the birds in a cage. You can check with your daughter if you want.


Sarvani came slowly towards the hall with tears in her eyes.


Physical trainer: (Just try to calm Jeethu.) Sir please calm yourself let her talk.

Sarvani: in a shrill voice, yes dad you have caged me in this big house with no friends and schooling. I’m interested to go school and play like others children . You have made me house arrest.

Jeethu sat so quietly and his eyes were filled with tears. Why his daughter doesn't understand his care and love?

Physical Trainer: I completely understand your feelings Sir,You love and care  your daughter very much but give her a chance to grow and fly with beautiful colors. Don’t cage her as she is talented and a quick learner. She has been trained by her friends to walk and run.

I was not aware of how she learnt but observed from last week with a timer and saw that she was completing 3 km running with 26 minutes.

She is so eligible to compete at the State level. But since she has not admitted to our school thought of talking to you today evening in meantime all the mess has happened.

Jeethu now understood his mistake. He was about to spoil his daughter with no education and social interaction. In which this would have affected her personal life.

: Sir, I’m really sorry for my mistake really you opened my eyes. I have become blind and oversensitive, not being not observant what damage to her future life with less socializing. Heartily thank you Sir.

Physical Trainer: Sir you include to heartily thank her friends who encouraged her and trained her for competition not me.
It’s my kind request kindly admit her to school even though it's extremely late but don't discontinue her education.

The Teacher naturally concludes with her memorable line:

In private life we typically come across a unique situation. Every so often our loved one departs from us for unknown reasons, or they feel like walking away from us. 

Though it is extremely challenging to imagine life without them if we grip them for too long it might harm our life purpose along with them. Preferably, one should feel satisfied at least you were able to spend cherish the memorable moment with them for sometime.

 Requested complete class not to perform badly a foolish act like their    classmate,Even though end dull life there would by force be only one emotional reason  but to merely start new life there are multiple  reasons.Ultimately, she blessed everyone to be happy.

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