Moral Story

Moral Story

How Much Do You Know about Story Of Rat Eat A Iron?

The Success of Farmers

Kantar was one of the famous farmers in the village of Jihina. He was well known for his unique agricultural method and also a good veterinarian of the village.

In September month from the agricultural Director's office visit Kantar. They recognize his unique agricultural process and provide him two opportunities. One of them was to exhibit his unique agricultural process in the  World Agri Expo and to sell the yield in the city market. He also got an opportunity to teach other people about the benefit of organic farming.
How Much Do You Know about Story Of Rat Eat A Iron?


Kantar started to earn more money compared to all other farmers. Even though he guided his village farmers to follow his methods. But none of them to followed as the process was difficult and requires hard work.

The village chief called meeting to honor Kantar for his unique work in agriculture. He thought doing so other farmers can get interest in organic farming. But this had an adverse effect. 

Other farmers got jealous of Kantar's recognition, and awards. All they planned to destroy kantar's crops. One night they left the rats from the mousetrap to his field. Even though there was an iron sting around the field. Rats ate everything included the iron string.

Kantar complained this to village chief. Though he was aware that it was done because of jealousy. Due to no proof, the case withdrawn.

He was upset about the loss, but he did not give up trying again for a good yield. Other farmers continued to destroy the yield and this happened more than three years.

Kantra lost interest in agriculture as his crop destroyed for three years. He upset and stopped working towards his passion for five months.  There was huge Financial instability in the family. Observing this situation one day evening, his wife requests him to work in agriculture again. As this is the only way to clear the loan. She also gave him an idea to overcome the rat problem. Motivated him saying

"Past cannot be changed and future can be predicted only if you work in the present".

With great motivation and support, he started seeding again with precaution. Due to his hard work, he got a great yield within three months as his field was good. As per the plan, he went told other farmers that he got good to yield. Everything he will sell next-day to the city market. The same night the farmer again planned to leave the rats from the mousetrap to his field.

Around Twelve in the night all the other farmers came with huge mousetrap boxes. They drop them in Kantar's field. All the rats started to jump. The iron wire was connected to a high-frequency musical string which was irritated the rat's ear. They even started to jump on the farmer's feet due to sound.

How Much Do You Know about Story Of Rat Eat A Iron?

With the fear of rats, farmers started to shout very loud as those rats were poisonous. On hearing the noise outside all the other village people including the chief of the village came outside

One of them who was running with fear of rats caught hold by the chief and asked the reason. He told truth to the chief as he didn't recognize him.

Thus chief of the village came to know the truth. Rajan requested village people to spread pepper liquid as soon as possible to get rid of rats. Later Chief announced punishment to the farmers for spoiling yield. According to the punishment they have to work in Kantar's field for two years for free.

Thereafter even the other farmers learned organic farming techniques. The village recognizes the best organic farming in the world.

Moral of the Story: The Important medicine for success is hard work, patience, and Trust. 

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