Moral Story

Moral Story

Your Attention : Moral Story :Yoga


Work on both Physical and mental fitness

Hari lived in the village of Krishnagiri. His son by Krishna and was studying 8th standard but looks like Uncle. As he has teased by everyone in the village. Due to this, he stops playing and attending the get-together with family members. He spends most of his time in the kitchen eating all unhealthy bakery items most of the time.

Kanna one evening during his summer vacation was watching TV in the living area. Hari relative " came to meet him to take an update on the property-related case.

Chikka: Uncle please call Hari

Kanna: (He didn't bother to respond as he addressed him as Uncle)

Chikka: Uncle you only please call Hari. I need to talk to him about property-related case status and its very urgent.

Kanna: I will call my father...But I'm not Uncle and I'm his son Kanna.

Kanna called his father and he left that place to meet Ananth Sir.

Ananth was a very famous yoga trainer in that village. Whenever Kanna upset used to meet Sir. As he was always motivated and encourage.

Kanna: Namaste Sir, Good evening

Ananth: Oh Shubhamasthu (May God bless you)Kanna. After a long time, How are you? and your studies?

Kanna: I'm good and Thank you, Sir. How are you, Sir

Ananth: I'm good Kanna. How are you spending your summer vacation?

Kanna: It's not that great Sir. (He wiped his tears)

Ananth: What happed Kanna? you seem to very sad. Is everything fine?

Kanna: Sir actually our far relative came home. They addressed me, uncle so felt bad about it.

Ananth: Come on my boy you should feel happy they give you a lot of respect in this small age only.

Kanna: No Sir everyone teasing me nowadays. This made even sadder.

Ananth: I have told you the solution so many times. Even now you can think and start with your YOGA classes.

Kanna: Sir, My question is will I be able to do all those bending and asana.

Ananth: Oh! Kid don't worry you won't ask to do immediately for all those bending and asana. You will get an initial training for flexibility first. Moreover, Yoga cannot be master in one-day you should practice on a daily basis.

Kanna: Sir will I be normal like my age kids after practicing?

Ananth: As I said it cannot be master in a single day. Over a period of time, you will get not only external peace but internal also.

Kanna: Sir, Will please train me? I'm interested to pursue this knowledge.

Ananth: Yes, of course, I will teach you but on one condition that you will be regular to classes.

Kanna: Sure Sir, I will promise that I will be regular to class.

Yoga: Work on both Physical and mental fitness

                       [Ananth asked to come to Kanna the next day at sharp 4.00 AM to Kari hills.]

The next day Kanna was there on Kari hills and was waiting for the Teacher. Ananth was happy to see Kanna waiting for him. He started with a warm-up. Though it was very much difficult for Kanna's initial days even to warm up. No w it was three months passed though much of change was not visible much. Kanna was so happy as he is working towards a goal.

Kanna could also feel the changes. His concentration has improved and his patience towards other people concerned has increased.

 As the year passed now he is in 10 the standard. He was one of the brilliant students in the class who score cent percent result in all the subjects now. By now he has got so much flexibility on continuous practices of yoga. Especially very difficult asana as such parvatasana and many more.

One decision at the right time and fixing up your mindset for long goals. This helps to achieve internal happiness and goal.

Your Attention Moral Story: Yoga is a tool to trim you both internal and external peace.
