Moral Story

Moral Story

Your attention ::Effective team efforts lead to Achieve Great!

Effective Team 

Onetime, Mother Earth called for meeting thunderstorms, Rain, Air, Cloud, and Light to check everything is going good.

While the discussion was going on there comes the topic among Thunderstorms, Rain, Air, Cloud and light who's is great? The discussions went on to the peak stage so intervene Mother earth decided task for each individual. Based on one week progress of the task result will be declared.

The next day the thunderstorm has explained the task. Although tasks in detail explain but to germinate a flower in a broken tree wasn't an easy task. According to the rule, it shouldn't take help from anyone. According to the rule, the thunder had a sound start but wasn't successful so it came to mother earth and surrender his failure.

Similarly, Rain got his chance. Rain couldn't hit the ground. After a week he couldn't grow single leave init. The rain came to the mother earth and confess that he couldn't grow.

Air got his chance to win tasks. As he blows the air mere tree couldn't bear it. Tree bend as though it is downward. Air likewise failed in a mission. He couldn't succeed as there was no rain and the same with light. Even light couldn't succeed in the task.

Everyone together came to the mother to know who won the task as they were aware that none of them complete the task. Now, mother earth asked work together and check they could grow at least they could get the leave-in that dry tree.

Every one of them visited Mother earth after three weeks with the happy news that there was a small sprout in that dry tree

Thus Mother Earth concludes that if you work together result and effectiveness of the task are high.

    It  is literally true that you succeed best and vast helping others to succeed

Moral of the Story: Healthy competition and effective team efforts lead to more miracles.
