Moral Story

Moral Story

Your Attention : Moral Story : Respect Elders and Work hard

Respect elders and work hard 

                                                                   the success follow you.

Manav was illiterate but took care of parents very well never argued nor disobey them. Every day after taking a bath he used to tell prayed God like this.

Sanskrit poem

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्व- े सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा- कश्चिद्दुः- खभाग्भवेत्- ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ 

After that, he used to take blessings of father and mother than go to agriculture work. This was his daily routine but his younger brother Chintha was little sick seeing his worship God and taking blessings daily. He considered him as a not knowledgeable person, so he does.

Days passed all the sudden losses in business so Chintha lost everything. Due to this, he forced his elder brother to give agriculture property as it was his father property. But with great harassment took the property and sent elder brother our of the house along with the cow.

Manav was so upset went to his friend's house along with the cow and parent. His father and mother both conveniences him as he was very upset and asked him to start a new business. From next day he started a new business and worked so hard. Within no time he became so rich but his brother Chintha became very poor he was begging for food.

Chintha was shocked and felt bad about himself. But Manav called him and gave food. Later  Chintha asked what is the secret of your success. There he explains success comes only if you respect the first elders and then your hard work for you set goal. Above you should have a positive attitude. For me, it is God for someone it might be there believe. If you miss any of this you will lose interest in Life and everything goes vain.

Moral of Story: Respect elders and work hard the success follow you.
