Moral Story

Moral Story

Moral Story

Listen, Not Eavesdrop

("Did you just stab me in the back?)(Fable story)
Once upon a time live a king by name Rama who was the very eminent and powerful ruler. His father was Chithra Maharaja and mother Vichithra. He has more 10 learned poets and many learned. Among them, more of the Learned by name Chakra who was very much erudite and a good listener. But he had a very bad habit to eavesdroping which is not related to him. Due to this behavior, his wife was upset and left him alone.

One day Raj Rama was walking in the garden where there comes the Chakra best friend of Raja to meet him. Starts interacting with the Maharaja about the fare took place in recent time. He remembered that Chitha Maharaja discussion with Vichithra about the orphan kid.
25 years back this boy brought down to a kingdom and made him as the king. On hearing, this Rama was total shock and lost his conciseness and later he moved to Raja gruha by the servant. Once Maharaja gets the conciseness left the palace with a letter.
Next day morning the all after breakfast Chitha Raj comes to meet Rama. Having waited for a very long time he found the letter on his bed.

The letter confirms that he left the palace. Chitta was great to worship of Lord Shiva. He Curses the person who said lie to his son. Also, said that one who has told lie to my son should get horse ears and come to me for a solution.

Vichithra so got horse ears and it started telling Did you back stab?”Did you back Stab? With great difficulty comes to meet the king and take permission for his leave. Having heard the reason King asked so “Did you stab in back? He asked the soldier to lock him with cuffs. Thus tells him that whatever he has overheard story it was Raj Chitha Maharaja. Hence, Maharaja sends Vichithra to prison. Information reaches the King he returns to the palace and apologies for his mistake. Thereafter, he was more careful to take up decisions.

Moral of Story: Blind trust is dangers. You must listen to others, not eavesdrop.
