Moral Story

Moral Story

Your Attention Moral Story : Speaking Tree

Speaking Tree

Once upon time tree was talking and always guide human to perform good deeds. Krishna lived Vidarbha and always loved tree and nature a lot and spent most of the time in the plantation. Even tree and shrubs would like him if he nurtures them.

A day comes the Minister decided to sell all the plantation land and make money out of it. As per the Minister orders, subordinate announce that everyone. Krishna was also informed that the Minister is taking all plantation land.

Krishna couldn't sleep whole night due to this early morning came started crying hugging a tree.

The Tree started speaking My dear child Krishna please don't cry we are with you. We won't allow the Minister to touch your plantation. But follow our instructions somehow you get the Minister here.

Next day Krishna came with Minister to his plantation land. As instructed by the tree he closed his plantation land gate. Everyone including Krishna went little inside the plantation land. As they moved little inside Minister and subordinate couldn't breathe. They felt breathlessness but Krishna was fine. Minister started screaming  Krishna! Krishna save me I'm feeling breathlessness save me.

Now the tree started to speak you know the pain you cannot bear not even minute if there is no oxygen. How would you leave your rest of life? if you cut down our families. Minister realized his mistake. He felt so ashamed and asked him to save him and also promised that he will not repeat this mistake again.

Thus thereafter he made set the rule that everyone should involve in planting. Also in the village, they started worshiped Tree as God.
